Useful Information and Articles
September 2024
Pet Loss Support Hotline
A national NZ hotline has been set up to connect grieving animal lovers with counsellors who can help them cope with their loss. Originally launched in Australia, the Pets and People hotline is now available to New Zealand callers on 0800 114 421. The hotline is serviced by qualified and experienced counsellors who are able to support you through the loss of any kind of companion animal. If a client would prefer, they are also able to set up a face-to-face meeting with a counsellor in their price range, or access the complimentary services Pets & People has to offer.
August 2024
Ukrainian Dog Rescue
The war has brought immense suffering, not just to people but also to our furry friends. The poor animals who have ended up on the streets are now fully dependent on local volunteers for their survival. Each of us can help save these innocent lives. We are opening a fundraiser for a local Ukrainian volunteer group Зоозахисники м. Білопілля. These guys are helping strays in their local town. Currently, they're hosting about 50 dogs waiting to be adopted, many of which are sick or wounded. Needless to say, the supplies are running out quickly. They urgently need out help. Sending funds to Ukraine at the moment is not the easiest process, especially to small local organizations like this. To help save those doggies, please donate to our Association and we will arrange the transfer. How to donate: We have an online donation form that accepts card payments and Apple/Google pay. Here is the link: Please leave a comment that your donation is for animals. Alternatively, you can send us a bank transfer to Westpac 03-1592-0170795-000, Ukrainian Association of NZ ABOUT Ukrainian Association of New Zealand (Southern Regions) Incorporated (UANZ-South) is a community-based, non-profit organisation, founded in 2018 by Ukrainians who live in South Island, New Zealand. UANZ-South is governed by an elected Council. UANZ-South endeavours to promote a positive image of Ukrainian community in New Zealand, encouraging its members to maintain language, culture and heritage, whilst being active members of New Zealand community.

June 2024
10 Ways to Remember Your Pet
1. Planting a tree or plant is a beautiful way to honour your pet. This can also be a special place to scatter your pet’s ashes - a living memorial. 2. Keep your precious pet close with a handmade Reterniti Stone made from your pet’s ashes with the addition of natural binders. A stunning keepsake you can hold and take with you wherever you go. 3. A memorial service or celebration of your pet’s life can provide a meaningful way to farewell and honour your pet’s memory and celebrate the love and life you shared with your cherished pet. 4. Ink paw prints and nose prints are a beautiful keepsake that can be done at home. Whether you frame the print or get a paw print tattoo - ink prints make such beautiful unique keepsakes. 5. Having your pet’s unique paw prints imprinted in clay or made into stunning paw castings is a special memento your family can treasure forever. 6. A beautiful piece of memorial jewellery is a special way to keep your beloved pet close to you at all times. There are so many options and styles to choose from - you are sure to find that special piece to keep forever. 7. A personalised portrait is a perfect way to keep the memory of your fur baby. There are some incredibly talented artists and graphic designs who specialise in pet portraits such as. 8. There are some incredibly talented tattoo artists that specialise in pet portraits and paw print tattoos. A keepsake memory that will never leave you. 9. Creating a memory box of your pet’s treasured belongings, photographs and precious keepsakes is a special way to keep mementos safe and memories close. 10. A handcrafted custom stuffed animal captures the unique features and physical details of your pet making them a one of a kind cuddly keepsake.
April 2024
Books to Help Children with the Loss of a Pet
Losing a beloved pet is hard no matter what age you are. However it can be especially challenging for children for many reasons. For many it may be their first experience with losing a loved one. They may struggle understanding the finality of death and feel overwhelmed with the whirlwind of emotions that come with grief. We have put together a list of books that are beautifully written and illustrated to help children (and adults) understand death and grief, and help parents and loved ones put the daunting topic of loss on the table in a gentle and thoughtful way. They invite children to remember the special times and memories they shared with their much loved pet and help make the conversation of loss and grief a little bit less scary. - The Invisible Leash - Patrice Karst - Dog Heaven - Cynthia Rylan’s - The Tenth Good Thing About Barney - Judith Viorst - I’ll Always Love You - Hans Wilhelm - Goodbye Comet - Flicka Williams, Hannah Davison and Marco Palmieri - Saying Goodbye To Lulu - Corinne Demas - The Memory Tree - Britta Teckentrup - I Miss My Pet - Pat Thomas and Lesley Harker

March 20, 2024
Metropol Article
Discovering that your beloved family pet has a terminal illness, or finding yourself in any situation where you may need to consider euthanasia for your pet, is devastating. Emotions run high during this stressful and confusing time. One final humane act offering your pet peace is compassionate euthanasia. What if there was a team of professionals who could alleviate your burden and provide this deeply personal service, with tenderness and empathy, from the safety and familiar surroundings of your own home? The team at Our Pet’s Goodbye understands the profound bond shared between families and their cherished pets and can help navigate this arduous journey with you. Through kindness and skilled, specialised practices, every moment is dedicated to comforting both the pet and the owner. “Offering solace amidst sorrow,” is immensely rewarding, says owner Dr Nic Macdonald. Deciding to euthanise a pet is often described as one of the toughest choices to make. It depends on many different factors and is individual to each situation. Our Pet’s Goodbye offers free quality of life phone consultations, to discuss your pet and your circumstances. Nic encourages all families to call and chat about their pets, even if neither pet nor owner are ready. “We offer advice without judgement. Having a plan and a discussion around euthanasia, for when the time comes, can be beneficial in both knowing what to expect and being as prepared as possible. Preparation can be the difference between an emergency rush to the clinic or a loving goodbye to your pet on your terms with all their loved ones close.” “What truly sets us apart is that we proceed at you and your pet’s pace. From the initial phone consultation to the booked home visit, up to arranging a cremation service if you so wish,” says Nic. “We always give sedation before the final injection, ensuring your pet gradually falls asleep, so you can say goodbye in a manner that merits the utmost dignity.”
October 2023
Partners in Practice Article
Gentle Waters Pet Cremation - Saying Goodbye with Love and Respect. South Island’s first pet water cremation facility. A unique and compassionate pet farewell service has emerged in Christchurch. Nestled between the Port Hills and boutique shopping centre The Tannery in Hillsborough, Gentle Waters Pet Cremation offers pet owners a heartfelt way to say their final goodbyes to their cherished animal companions.

January 2022
NZ Dog World Article
When 15-year old Baxter started withdrawing from activity and refusing food, his Mum asked her long-standing veterinary practice about home euthanasia. The clinic replied that it could not offer a house call and that Baxter would need to be brought to the clinic at a scheduled time. This answer created a lot of angst in Baxter’s household, since his parents were concerned about his stress and pain levels and because it felt wrong to say goodbye to their dog in a sterile clinic setting.